Donate to UNN

UNN has ZERO advertisers or corporate sponsors

We haven't been bunged tens of millions by a hedge fund or the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

We answer solely to YOU, the people of the United Kingdom, and the World!

To support our campaign via all major cards please SCROLL DOWN 

If you wish to send a cheque (payable to David Clews)/cash etc please send to:

PO BOX 9818
Flat 4

If you wish to pay directly into our Bank Account please do so at:

Unity News Network

SORT CODE: 08 71 99
ACC NUMBER: 07720756

If sending a cheque or direct payment please email us at [email protected] so we can thank you properly or you can stay anonymous!

If you wish to send a donation via PayPal please send to [email protected]

If you wish to call and make payment over the phone please dial  07519 445370

If there is no answer, please leave your name and contact number and one of the team will get in touch ASAP.